..running out of spare or replacement running rigging – sea state not safe enough for up mast so having to wait for a bit of a lull to see if we can re-rig a couple of halyards. Now currently the ‘Atlantic Rig’ – #2 poled out with main. Had hoped to be in in under 15 days but not possible as have lost 60 miles in last 2 days. Last night however was superb A5 and main – 8.5 – 13.3 knots – but not after temp halyard blew on 0400-0800 watch |(aka the Calamity watch). Followed by genny halyard – so rerouted spin pole uphaul. What japes. Still a nice a selection of charcuterie for lunch with iced coffee and PB currently preparing apple crumble and custard for sups. Pics of Jude trimming assy – Rog helming early Sunday morning and daytime downwind.